
Showing posts from July, 2015

Make your own robot using ABCYA's Robot Builder!

I found this awesome game on that lets you build your own robot out of fun parts. It lets you get creative as you can make your robot as goofy as you want!  Just drag the pieces to where you want and wach your robot come to life! With silly and even animated pieces, you are sure to love this game!  I made my own, as shown above. I call it the Awesomecoolnessotronator. In case the descriptıon above is too small to read, here is what it says: My robot has all the things needed to spice up a boring day. It is a party machine, fast food restaurant, portable toilet,MP3 Player, PC with Minecraft installed on it, flat screen TV, and boxing robot, all in one. It also has a double bladed Jedi lightsaber, claw things, and jetpack feet on it. Of course those are just some of the many things it has.  If you look closely, you'll even see that it has a parrot on his head!  Here is the link : See you later! Bye!